How Much Water To Drink In Morning, How Much Water Should Your Drink When You Wake Up In The Morning? Drinking Water Tips
What should you drink first thing in the morning?
My advice is - drink water. Now, the question is - how much water should we drink on waking up in the morning?
For an average adult, drink 250 ml to 500 ml in the morning. And this should be really healthy habit.
Everyone's body is difference so you should drink water according to your capacity.
According to Ayurveda, one must drink water according to his prakruti or dosha.
On the whole, quantity of water you drink depends on your age the diet you are taking. The weather which is there at that time
physical activity, meditation, doshas or body type. Those with pitta dosha feel thirstier and
would need more water.
Than those who have kapha dosha. People with vata dosha should drink more water because they sometimes have dry skin and
suffer from constipation. Water is the symbol of soma the calm,
cooling and nourishing nature that is related to the energy of the moon. Therefore, it helps in balancing all the 3 doshas in our body.
So you see, it is best to observe your own health and drink water accordingly.
Drinking water first thing the morning is called as Ushapan. 'Usha' means dawn and 'pan' means drink.
Ushapan is an Ayurvedic dincharya practice which prevents diseases by eliminating toxins. Ushapan helps in
hydrating the body and kindling the digestive fire. Well, this is my view point that drinking 250 to 500 ml of water in the morning is considered safe for most adults.
Stop drinking too much water if you feel uncomfortable. Drinking water in an empty stomach removes toxins and stimulates your metabolism.
It also energises your brain and makes you feel less hungry. The feeling of fullness helps in healthy weight loss. Remember the
temperature of water should not be cold it should be warm water. While you are sleeping at night, your body is deprived of water.
Hence it is important to drink water on waking up. This will quickly hydrate your
body and you will feel fresh and active for the wonderful day which you are going ahead with.
Now let's see some tips on the proper way of drinking water in the morning.
1. Use a Glass or Cup And Drink Sip By Sip.
In this way the alkaline saliva in the mouth will neutralise the acid in stomach.
2. Drink Water Before Brushing Your Teeth. As this will boost your digestive capacity.
3. Sit Down To Drink Water. So that water
would be effectively absorbed by your body.
4. Drink Water That Is Warm Or At Room Temperature. Because cold water puts out your digestive fire.
5. You May Add Slices Of Lemon. Some mint
leaves. Cucumber slices, Ginger slices. To your drinking water for enhancing its detoxifying properties.
And finally, I would like to tell you that you that you should feel gratefulness and
reverence for the water that you drink.
Only when you drink water with such sentiments, you will experience all its amazing benefits.